The Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB), statutory organisation, was constituted in September, 1974 under the Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1974. Further, CPCB was entrusted with the powers and functions under the Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1981. It serves as a field formation and also provides technical services to the Ministry of Environment and Forests of the provisions of the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986. Principal functions of the CPCB, as spelt out in the Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1974, and the Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1981. (i) to promote cleanliness of streams and wells in different areas of the States by prevention, control and abatement of water pollution, and (ii) to improve the quality of air and to prevent, control or abate air pollution in the country. CPCB has been assigned duties as per schedule IX of the Hazardous and Other Waste (Management and Transboundary Movement) Amendment Rules, 2022.
Hazardous and Other Waste (M and TM) Amendment Rules, 2022 Is applicable to every producer, recycler and retreader involved in manufacture, sale, transfer, purchase, collection, storage and processing of Tyre/Waste Tyre.
The management of Waste tyre is regulated under the framework of Schedule IX of Hazardous and Other Waste (M and TM) Amendment Rules, 2022. The management of waste tyre is primarily based on the principle of Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) obligation. Under EPR obligation, the producers of tyre/ waste tyre have been given annual waste tyre recycling targets based on manufacturing or import of tyre/ waste tyre as the case may be and have to purchase EPR certificate/ Retreading certificate from authorized Recyclers / Retreaders through online portal.
Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) of producers are regulated through fulfilment of EPR obligation. For EPR obligation producers as defined below are required to apply in online portal as per Hazardous Waste (M & TM) Amendment Rules, 2022. This Portal for Waste Tyre Management System is an on-line portal where all the stakeholders like producer, recycler and retreader are required to register themselves. The present module is EPR obligation module limited to online submission of information by Producers and generation of EPR obligation.
As per the above said rules “Producer” means any person or entity who: (i) manufactures and sells new tyre domestically; or (ii) sells domestically under its own brand, new tyre manufactured by other manufacturers or suppliers; or (iii) sells imported new tyre; or (iv) imports vehicles fitted with new tyres; or (v) automobile manufacturers importing new tyre for use in new vehicles sold domestically; or (vi) imports waste tyre;
Total Application Received
Total Application Processed
Address : | Parivesh Bhawan, East Arjun Nagar, Delhi-110032 |
wastetyre[dot]cpcb[at]gov[dot]in | |
Contact : | 011 43102467 |
PART-1 (Documents requirements)
1. PAN Card of the company *
2. GST Number of the company *
3. IEC number of the company (Only in case of import)
4. CIN number of the Company *
5. Aadhar Card of the Authorized Person *
PART-2 (Download Formats)
1. Covering Letter
2. Undertaking
3. Tyre Composition
4. Submission of Plant wise manufacturing data
PART-3 (General Instructions)
1. The applicant has to first sign-up in the portal for getting login Credentials i.e login ID & Password. Login credential will be shared at email ID of authorized person (as specified at the time of signing-up)
2. The applicant to use login credentials provided by CPCB for signing-in in the portal and filling the registration form.
3. The applicant has to submit its registration form at the online portal within 30 days of signing up. After 30 days the said account will be deactivated.
4. CPCB will examine documents/submissions made by the applicant while seeking registration in the portal.
5. In case of any shortcomings the same will be conveyed to the applicant through portal only. Also an intimation email will be sent to the authorized person informing the same.
6. In case of submission of complete registration form, the applicant will get registered in the portal and CPCB will issue registration number within 15 days of receipt of complete form.
7. All the future correspondence w.r.t EPR is to be done through authorized person only.
8. CPCB will also address its correspondence to authorized person only.
9. CPCB will not entertain any consultant on behalf of applicant.
10. In case an applicant falls under multiple categories of stakeholders i.e Producers, Recyclers & Retreaders then the applicant has to register separately for different categories of stakeholders. Ex. In case a producer is also a recycler then it has to register at CPCB separately as Producer and Recycler.
11. The validity of registration is two years. Applicant to renew its registration after every two years based on validity of its registration.
12. In case of any further difficulty while registering in portal, the applicant to convey the same to CPCB at 'wastetyre[dot]cpcb[at]gov[dot]in'.
13. The applicant can also request for EPR CAMP in case of persistence of any issue while registering in the portal.
PART-4 (Specific Instructions)
1. The applicant has to upload covering letter making formal request to CPCB for registration at online portal. The covering letter should be at company’s letter head and has to be signed by authorized person and should have company’s seal. The scanned copy of the covering letter has to be uploaded at the portal. A format of cover letter is provided.
2. Applicant has also to upload undertaking regarding submission of authentic data. The undertaking should be in company’s letter head and have company’s seal. Format for submission of undertaking is provided.
3. Applicant to provide address of the head office of the company in the country.
4. The documents uploaded in the application should have uniform address and the same should match with the address mentioned in the registration form.
5. Specify the category of producers as per business activities carried out by the applicant.
6. For producers established before FY 2019-20, the manufactured quantity/import quantity is to be provided since FY2019-20 onwards.
7. For producers established in FY 2020-21, the manufactured quantity/import quantity is to be provided since year of their establishment onwards.
8. For new producers those have not carried out any manufactured quantity/import so far mention “0” in manufacturing data submission table.
9. Applicant to provide authentic & true data w.r.t its manufacturing & Import. Documents in support of submission should be available in producer’s office and can be verified by officials of CPCB/SPCB any time.
10. Applicant to provide details of its manufacturing plant/plants as per format provided.
11. Applicant can opt for multiple category of producers based on its business.
सी.पी.सी.बी (1974-2024)-स्वर्ण जयंती वर्ष- पर्यावरण संरक्षण को समर्पित। Celebrating Golden Jubilee Year of CPCB (1974-2024)- 5 decades in pursuit of clean environment.
Please enter Email Id and Password
Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) of producers are regulated through EPR obligation. For EPR obligation producers as defined below are required to apply in online portal as per Hazardous and other Waste (M & TM) Amendment Rules, 2022. This Portal for Waste Tyre Management System is an online portal where all the stakeholders like producer, recycler and retreader are required to register themselves. The present module is EPR obligation module limited to online submission of information by Producers and generation of EPR obligation. As per the above said rules ‘Producer’ means any person or entity who: (i) manufactures and sells new tyre domestically; or (ii) sells domestically under its own brand, new tyre manufactured by other manufacturers or suppliers; or (iii) sells imported new tyre; or (iv) imports vehicles fitted with new tyres; or (v) automobile manufacturers importing new tyre for use in new vehicles sold domestically; or (vi) imports waste tyre.